Around one fifth of the world’s food is grown in urban areas, and there are many similarities in growing style between the developed and developing world; urban farms tend to be small and labour intensive, with several different crops grown in close proximity- just think of your own garden or allotment!
Unlike conventional, rural farms, growing food in cities is not regulated, so we know relatively little about farming practices, such as pesticide use, and how much food small urban spaces can yield. Data on which insects pollinate the crops grown in urban areas is sorely lacking, and so it is not clear whether we have large enough pollinator populations to produce good crop yields
Team PollinATE is working with the Buzz Club and allotement-holders in Brighton & Hove to answer the following questions:
1. Which pollinating insects visit the crops you grow?
2. How much food does your growing space provide?
3. Which are the most common pests in urban areas?
For more information concerning this project, please visit the project website page, or otherwise send Team Pollin-ATE an email: or telephone: (0044) 01273 873377
Name: Team PollinATE
Year(s): 2017 - 2018
Focus: Urban agriculture
Status? Closed (currently)
Results? Ongoing analysis
Project lead contacts: