Environmental Education for Kids
The Buzz Club knows how important it is to get kids excited about nature from a young age, as well as understanding the holistic well being advantages of being outside. We would love to bring the Buzz Club to your schools, getting kids interested in our projects and how else they can support nature.
Our Team's Background in Environmental Education
Issy and Linda will be your contacts for Environmental Education with the Buzz Club and will deliver your sessions and webinars. Read a bit more about their experience below:
Request a School Visit
Bring the Buzz to you by requesting one of our school visits. One of the aims of the Buzz Club is to engage as many people as possible in UK nature, with emphasis on the science behind these creatures and how we can help them. See below the sessions we currently offer. Each of these can be tailored per age group and aim to help you hit targets on the national curriculum as well as potentially increasing local biodiversity.
These are only available in Sussex and Nottinghamshire currently.
Bug hotels
Key stage 1 & lower 2: Learn about insects and create your own bug hotels from recycled materials. Explore different materials and their properties.
Key stage upper 2, 3 and above: Take part in one of our bug hotel experiments. Learn about the insects you are building for, and practice setting up scientific experiments.